- برای پایان نامه های کارشناسی ارشد و دکتری مدیریت بازاریابی می توانید از یکی از حوزه های زیر استفاده کنید:
- Advertising
- Attitude
- Branding
- Business-to-Business Marketing
- Channels
- Cognition
- Consumer Behavior
- Cross- cultural and International Marketing
- Customer Relationship Management and Customer Satisfaction
- Decision-Making
- Diffusion of Innovations
- Direct Marketing
- Distribution
- Electronic Commerce and Internet Marketing
- Goal-Derived Categorization
- Hedonic Products
- Information Processing
- Intention-Behavior Link
- Inter-organizational Collaboration
- Market Analysis and Response
- Market Orientation
- Marketing Planning and Implementation
- Marketing Strategy
- New Product Development and Launch
- Organization Behavior
- Organizational Learning
- Organization Relationships
- Organization Structure
- Pricing
- Product Categorization
- Product Management
- Promotion
- Public Policy
- Retailing
- Sales Force
- Segmentation
- Service Quality
- Services Marketing
- Theory and Philosophy of Marketing
- Method Types
- Choice Modeling
- Correspondence Analysis
- Content Analysis
- Econometric Methods
- Empirical Generalizations
- Experimental Research
- Forecasting
- Historical Analysis
- Latent Class Models
- Measurement
- Network Analysis
- Regression
- Statistical Methods (e.g., Stochastic Models)
- Structural Equations Modeling
- Survey Research
- Time Series Modeling