بازدید: 11800

امتیاز کاربران

ستاره فعالستاره فعالستاره فعالستاره فعالستاره فعال
  • برای پایان نامه های کارشناسی ارشد و دکتری مدیریت بازاریابی می توانید از یکی از حوزه های زیر استفاده کنید:

  1. Advertising
  2. Attitude
  3. Branding
  4. Business-to-Business Marketing
  5. Channels
  6. Cognition
  7. Consumer Behavior
  8. Cross- cultural and International Marketing
  9. Customer Relationship Management and Customer Satisfaction
  10. Decision-Making
  11. Diffusion of Innovations
  12. Direct Marketing
  13. Distribution
  14. Electronic Commerce and Internet Marketing
  15. Goal-Derived Categorization
  16. Hedonic Products
  17. Information Processing
  18. Intention-Behavior Link
  19. Inter-organizational Collaboration
  20. Market Analysis and Response
  21. Market Orientation
  22. Marketing Planning and Implementation
  23. Marketing Strategy
  24. New Product Development and Launch
  25. Organization Behavior
  26. Organizational Learning
  27. Organization Relationships
  28. Organization Structure
  29. Pricing
  30. Product Categorization
  31. Product Management
  32. Promotion
  33. Public Policy
  34. Retailing
  35. Sales Force
  36. Segmentation
  37. Service Quality
  38. Services Marketing
  39. Theory and Philosophy of Marketing
  40. Method Types
  41. Choice Modeling
  42. Correspondence Analysis
  43. Content Analysis
  44. Econometric Methods
  45. Empirical Generalizations
  46. Experimental Research
  47. Forecasting
  48. Historical Analysis
  49. Latent Class Models
  50. Measurement
  51. Network Analysis
  52. Regression
  53. Statistical Methods (e.g., Stochastic Models)
  54. Structural Equations Modeling
  55. Survey Research
  56. Time Series Modeling

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